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Friday, August 27, 2010

Defending the Wicked Part 16: The Pedophile

There are concepts that cannot be criticized in every society under any generation. The Bible, for the longest time, was one such example. No one was allowed to criticize the Bible. Not just because it would probably lead to death of the critic but also because people had such a mentality to treat it as sacred. In our society there are similar such sacred concepts, I spoke about one, the civil rights act, back here. For some people the military and even in some cases, the police, are another sacred concepts that cannot be criticized. But there are also the reverse concepts, the concepts that cannot be defended under any circumstances in every society under any generation. Those are the purely evil concepts. In our society and in many societies around the world the Nazis are one such example. They are supposedly pure evil and we are not allowed to even try to understand them in the slightest. We simply say "they are purely evil" and we are happy with it, we make no attempt to understand their minds. We cannot accept that they are people and they are not different from us, many had friends and where good family men, intelligent people, but we cannot accept that. It makes us to inconvenient to know that we are not so different from them so we invent lies to delude ourselves, lies that make us feel better, lies that tell us that the Nazis were nothing but pure evil. This is why so frequently when people talk about Nazis descriptions such as "animals" are used, not because the person really felt he wanted to say that, but because he is enslaved under morality, under social norms, that told him to say what he did. In the Jewish world the Holocaust is another such example. Do not misunderstand me, there is nothing to defend about the Holocaust it was certainly an evil event in human history. But my question is why do we act so differently when he hear "Holocaust" over "Rome". Rome was also terrible to Jewish people. Why develop the feeling of pure evil over the Nazis but not over the Romans? In fact, Jewish people would not really mind if you told jokes regarding the Romans and the Jews. But they would certainly not feel the same if a Holocaust joke was used instead.

The Pedophile is the modern age example in all modern developed societies as the person who is pure evil. Just like with the Nazis we do not want to imagine him being human. We do not want to imagine that he has hobbies, interests, people he loves, and things that make him sad. We refuse to acknowledge that because we would realize that he is not different from us, so we invent the demonization of pedophiles. He is the wicked or all the wicked. And we condemn pedophilia as the evil of all evils. Indeed, a murderer is not seen anywhere as terrible as a pedophile for most people.

This such demonization of the pedophile happens because children become our sacred possessions. Anything regarding children must automatically be good. I even use the expression as the "what about the children?!" - argument. The "what about the children?! argument is an argument which automatically wins any debate. Let us suppose that "people should be able to smoke cigarettes in places where the owner allows". To counter what I said my opponent will just have to say, "what about the children? they have lungs that will get polluted if they inhale the smoke!". See what he did. He took my argument and added "what about the children?!", thereby implying that I am evil because I am against kids. This argument always works. Here is another example. Suppose I say, "there should be no laws regulating the usage of drugs". All you have to say is, "what about the children? they will start buying up drugs and ruin their lives". I will always keep George Carlin's response in mind when I think about children, as he said, "Fuck the children". And he is absolutely right. Children are nothing but underdeveloped people. The very same pathetic people that exist all around us in the world. The only difference between them and adults is that they are underdeveloped. I can guarantee you that they will grow up into the very same pathetic adult population. So there is no loss if your little Billy overdoses on heroin.

There are two problems with sacred concepts and purely evil concepts. The first one is that the moment we turn something into a purely evil concept (or sacred) then we prevent ourselves from trying to understand the truth. For instance, if we turn Nazis into purely evil Satanists then we no longer have an interest to understand them and their ideas and how those ideas can affect certain people to some degree today. But I already discussed that problem in earlier posts on this series. The other problem is that the moment we turn into a purely evil concept the people associated with that start to think that their must be something wrong with them. Let me make this clearer with an example. Let us return to pedophilia and child molestation. If we treat child molestation as the worst thing in the world and we demonize it then all the kids that were molested would think to themselves that there is something wrong with them. They will stop seeing themselves as unfortunate people who had a bad event happen in their life but they will see themselves as the medium through which the worst evil in the world channeled through. This would add so much more so to their depression. Consider child bullying. Bullying is similar to molestation, both physically and emotionally hurt the children. However, no one who was bullied sees himself as a medium from which the worst evil in the world channeled through. But with molestation they do. These children are then taught later in their life to put all of their life problems on this one single traumatic experience of their life. Thereby they develop a victim mentality. All of this happens precisely when we start to demonize child molestation. This same phenomenon can be said about rape victims. A woman who barely survived a beating from her husband suffered a lot more than a woman who was raped. However, the raped victim will feel a lot more emotional pain precisely because we demonize rape but not women beatings. Surly both are terrible things to do to women but one of them is not demonized, namely beatings. Beatings are just seen are something very wrong to do to a woman but not demonized like rape is. As a result, women who were raped think there is something wrong with them and develop a victim mentality.

Now let us consider the pedophile. A pedophile is someone who has a sexual attraction to little children. This does not mean that a pedophile is someone who actually goes after little children for sexual reasons. Men are attracted to women very few actually forcefully go out after women. The same with pedophilia. There are pedophiles that admit they are pedophiles but have never harmed another kid. They stood away from that their entire life. Because they realize it is wrong to harm children but they cannot help to control their desires. My question is that how can a pedophile be blamed for something he has no control over? We cannot blame a homo for being gay, and we cannot blame a straight guy for being straight, it is in their nature. We cannot blame furries who like to masturbate to animal-like human cartoons having sex with one another. It is what they desire. We cannot blame people who are turned on by animals, it is what they desire. Pedophiles have such a rare preference, they prefer little children. They find them sexually attractive. As long as they do not act on their desires and just realize it is their desires then no one can ever condemn a pedophile. He is human just like the rest of us and deserves the same respect and love as does every other person.

If we want to help molestation victims the best thing we can do is stop demonization of pedophiles and child molestation. Because that will remove from them the feeling of being a medium for evil. It will stop making them feel as if there is something wrong with them.

And by the way for all of those who are going to demonize me for my ideas know this. There are two people, who have been molested, that I know of, who agree with what I just said. One of them said so himself. And the other I presented me ideas to and he totally agreed with everything I had to say. So before you start condemning me, as I know will happen because this is after all a purely evil concept, know that I can connect with people who experienced this.

Here is a fantastic video relating what I just said: Here


  1. All forms of sexual and violent abuse can create trauma whose effects last throughout the lifespan. A "defense" of child molestors that compares them to other abusers is no defense at all.

    (btw that includes bullying... people can be traumatized for life... problem is that the bully is usually another child who also needs to be treated with care)

    The trauma experienced by sexual abuse survivors is not because society tells them to feel traumatized. Quite the opposite, for many their pain was minimized and denied.

    I agree that child molestors following their incarceration and therapy should be assisted in reentering the community and that as long as their history is public they should be befriended by people who don't have kids and included in all activities.

    Pedophilias, same as most of us, are likely to act upon their sexual urges if given the opportunity.

    I disagree with you categorization of children as the same as adults. Children are a protected category as highly vulnerable people. And guess what, they still stand a chance of becoming happy fulfilled adults if we protect them properly.

  2. "All forms of sexual and violent abuse can create trauma whose effects last throughout the lifespan.":

    And those abuses can be magnified by a big factor if you teach the victim the victim mentality and that there is something wrong with him.

    "The trauma experienced by sexual abuse survivors is not because society tells them to feel traumatized.":

    Yes it is. Just consider this simple thought experiment that I used above. I said people who were bullied do not go through the same mental pain as people who were molested. I then add that this is solely because pedophilia is treated as the worst of all evils in the world.

    "Quite the opposite, for many their pain was minimized and denied.":

    I have no idea what this means. You cannot expect me to read each one of your sentences that are not developed and expect me to figure out what you mean by them. You have to learn to explain what you write because most of what you write now and in the past I have no idea what it means because you usually never develop your ideas.

    "Pedophilias, same as most of us, are likely to act upon their sexual urges if given the opportunity.":

    Non-sense. How many men act as rapists? How many men had oppurtunities but never acted on them? You just pulled that out of your anus.

    "I disagree with you categorization of children as the same as adults.":

    Disagree about what? That they suck just like people suck? That they will grow up into the exact same pathetic and boring adult population? That it is no big loss if some average kid dies? What is there to disagree about? Children will be just like adults and I cannot see how you can possibly disagree with this.

  3. You're just factually wrong about this one. Two friends don't disprove decades of scientific and medical research. Having sex with children frequently causes severe and lasting PTSD and other issues regardless of whether that child is taught that it's wrong or not.

    If anecdotes are what move you though, I know someone who was molested as a child whose parents specifically never made a big deal about it precisely because they didn't want to make it worse. (They did of course prevent the molester from coming into contact with their child again.)

    The child started having traumatic flashbacks and other problems sometime during adolescence anyway and had problems even as an adult in sexual relationships.

    Like in many other areas, you're far too confident in your own intelligence and intuition. You need to accept that empiricism is the only way to go.

  4. "If anecdotes are what move you though.":

    Personal stories are irrelevant to me. I heard so many contradictory stories that they are an unreliable method for coming to truth. I did not use a story above to confirm that I was correct. I used a story above to show that I have some idea of what I am talking about.

    "You need to accept that empiricism is the only way to go.":

    What is that supposed to mean? I know exactly what that is. It is an attempt to say, "you are not a scientific person" in an implicit way. When did I ever reject empiricism?

    I am just not afraid to form ideas about something which I never experienced or had no way to experiment on. I am creative enough to explore what I cannot test. And then what I do, when I form my ideas, is try to apply them to the world and see how well they describe the world. If there be problems with my ideas then I go back and start again. That is scientific. Expect I am a bit more creative to jump to conclusions a little earlier.

    Besides the scientific method does not work by just collecting meaningless information. It works by first using our rationality to form reasonable theories that describe the world from what we already know. Once we have these theories then we can start to test them. But no scientists, ever, just collects information and pulls theories of out his anus. First there must be a theory because the evidence is used. Using empirical observations with no reason is entirely meaningless.

    The other thing I hate about statistical arguments and "scientific research shows", is how I have to accept that I am wrong with no reason supplied to why I am wrong. Look above. I gave my explanation to why I think I am correct. Along you come along say, "you are wrong because research says you are wrong". And I have to accept that? You may be correct. But I would like to see more effort on your part. At least explain how it makes me wrong so that I can understand. Otherwise it feels just like accepting you are wrong because there is a poster who comments "you are wrong".

    "Like in many other areas, you're far too confident in your own intelligence and intuition.":

    Oh my science, oh no, someone using his rational mind to try to make sense of the world. Run! No. How dare he do that?!

    "You're just factually wrong about this one.":

    Thus, that implies that I am factually correct, according to you, in my other defenses?

  5. I tend to agree with those who consider the act of seducing a child the equivalent of rape. I do argue that the boundaries have been drawn in an arbitrary and often absurd manner. To wit:

    A police officer approaches a car parked in a park. He looks in the window and sees a male and a female. The male is reading, the female is knitting. He asks what they're doing there, and they reply "reading and knitting." This being a common destination for lovers, he asks their ages. "I'm 18," replies the male, "and she'll be 18 in...10 minutes."

    So much for that. A pedophile, though, is not defined as a person who does these things; rather, it is defined as a person who has certain urges. People have all kinds of urges, licit and illicit. The key to moral distinctions is what urges a person acts on.

  6. Thus, that implies that I am factually correct, according to you, in my other defenses?

    Your other defenses suffer from a similar reliance on reason in a vacuum but they're not as provably false as this one, which seems to rely on the FALSE idea that adult-child sex is only traumatic if the child is taught that it's wrong. It's just not true.

  7. "Your other defenses suffer from a similar reliance on reason in a vacuum.":

    Let me explain how human thought is supposed to work. You begin with some very simple observations about people, which we derive from experience. Then using these observations we build on a more complex thought structure. If our basic ideas are the same then it is expected that our complex thought structure (theory) would be correct also. Of course, this kind of reasoning is only perfect in mathematics because of the inherent nature of mathematics, but outside of mathematics, like in economics, or psychology, or biology, and so on, this is also true. Just not as elegantly and smoothly because the moment we live the rationalist universe things get more complicated, and they get more fuzzy. That is not reasoning in a vacuuum. That is reasoning from principles that were derived from experience. Once we have a theory then we can start testing it. But no thinker every sits around telling himself "let me just do experiments, let me just collect numbers", because that never works. So I am not sure what you are complaining about?

    "which seems to rely on the FALSE idea that adult-child sex is only traumatic if the child is taught that it's wrong. It's just not true.":

    Of course that is false. But I never made that argument. Where exactly did I say that? I am sure I was clear enough not to give this impression. I said. Very simple. That if a child is molested and in addition society teaches him the victim mentality then his experiece would be more traumatic. That is what I said. And I am very certain that I am correct about this. But to conclude from this that I mean to say that child molestation is not traumatic to the children would be a logical fallacy.

  8. Ours is the FIRST generation where rape and sexual abuse are being treated with the seriousness that they deserve.

    Traditionally, victims were told to forget about it and get over it.

    It is because that it never worked that the movement finally grew and grew until it became strong enough to make a change in society.

    In fact I would say that the validation and acknowledgement of the child's (or adult's) trauma by the people closest to him/her, is one of the main differences between those who heal and those who don't.

  9. "Ours is the FIRST generation where rape and sexual abuse are being treated with the seriousness that they deserve.

    Traditionally, victims were told to forget about it and get over it.

    It is because that it never worked that the movement finally grew and grew until it became strong enough to make a change in society.":

    Kisarita, you missed my point. I said that if pedophilia is magnified in how terrible it is then the people who were molested will feel a lot worse about themselves than otherwise.
